❓Scopechat Pro FAQs
How to cancel a subscription
You can cancel your subscription if you don't want to be charged when your current subscription expires. You can do this by clicking the "Cancel Subscription" button in your Account Settings page.
How to get an invoice?
Email community@0xscope.com for assistance.
What happens when I cancel my subscription?
Your current month/quarter/year subscription will stay until the end of its validity. Beyond that, you will not be charged when the subscription ends, and your account reverts to being a free Scopechat account.
What should I do if my payment fails, get double charged or my subscription is inactive after payment?
Email community@0xscope.com for assistance.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes, you can do it anytime, but keep in mind that you will continue to have access to Scopechat Pro until your current subscription expires. What the cancellation does is to stop automatic subscription renewal.
Scopechat - https://www.scopechat.ai/
Scopescan - https://scopescan.ai/X - https://twitter.com/ScopeProtocol
Telegram - https://t.me/scope_official
Discord - https://discord.com/invite/Aa4XgybupY
Link3 - https://link3.to/0xscope
Last updated